Whatever The Reason


Shits going down in our world. It’s shifting and changing. Roe vs Wade got overturned this past Friday. What the actual fuck is happening in our world right now?

I sat with this for several days and I hear that many have. Sat with how we have gone backward in time, with how the patriarchy has decided what is best for a woman’s body.

I’ve seen hundreds of Handmaid’s Tale memes. It’s real, y’all.

and we are going to fight together.

I support your need for abortion. I will hold your hand without judgment. Your body, your choice.

People choose abortions for many reasons and also it doesn’t fucking matter. Whatever the reason. I support your choice.

As a Medium, I see babies come through that have passed away because of an abortion. There is no shame or blame from that child. They knew that their time here was to serve the purpose of healing the womb. That baby will be waiting for you on the other side. They are still a part of your soul circle.

Our world has shifted, however, we get to stand together. Nobody gets to choose what’s best for me or you. This is the time to love each other and uplift each other. This is the time to start thinking about sustainable communities and other ways we can support each other as we tear the patriarchy down. It may get tougher in some of these times and when it does, I’ll be here to help you through the healing.

As you are feeling the collective sadness, allow it to move through. There is no more repressing of anything. It’s time to let the Divine Feminine flow with ease. If you’re feeling anger, allow the anger out. Walk, scream, punch a pillow.

Each day decide how you can stand up, how you can fight. I’m going to take things one day at a time and see how I can show up. Today it may be this post, tomorrow it may be a camping trip.

Much Love + Positive Vibes.

xx, Jessica


Cutting Cords


Energy Healing