New Moon Ritual


The New Moon is such a powerful time to re-evaluate + set your intentions. It’s a time to plant seeds + work on your manifesting magick! Be mindful of your thoughts + words. What you speak, creates. When you are manifesting, you want to use the words, ‘I am,’ ‘I feel,’ + ‘I have.” What is it you would like to see happen over the next six months? Write those things down and send them out into the universe with the magickal energy of this New Moon.

New Moon Ritual. 

Here is a simple New Moon Ritual for you to do at home. I recommend doing a new moon ritual for yourself each month to re-evaluate the intentions you set under the full moon + to manifest what you truly desire to see happen in your life.

💫 Cleanse your space with a smudging tool like sage, palo santo, rosemary, or cedar. Any smoke cleanse will do, or you can clear the energy in your space stating that with your intention.
💫 Call in Spirit. This may be your guides, angels, deities. 
💫 Light a candle.
💫 Write down at least 3 things you would like to manifest during this moon cycle.
💫 Recite these manifestations out loud to your spirit team. Let them know you are open to receive.
💫 Tuck your manifestation paper under your candle while you meditate.
💫 Sit in meditation and imagine yourself receiving the things you want to manifest. Imagine yourself receiving the thing you wrote down. 
💫 On the next Full Moon, burn your paper. Send out love, trust, + gratitude with your manifestation energy.

Much Love + Positive Vibes.

xx, Jessica


Full Moon Ritual


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