Herbal Remedies


When covid hit our home, my roommate was super sick and I wanted to help them + keep myself from catching it. It felt almost impossible. I caught up with a few of my favorite herbalists and they gave me all their suggestions for getting better and preventing illness. Thank you Release of Nashville, Free Spirit Delicacies, and HeadPlant Modern Alchemy.

These are only recommendations. Please always check in with your doctor or health care professional to be sure what supplements are best for you.

You can choose to use your oils in a diffuser and also apply them to areas of your body. I like to order my oils through Sage’s Botanical or Plant Prana Oils.

Oils for Feet.

  • Oregano

  • Lemongrass

  • Tea tree

  • Lemon

  • Rosemary

Oils for Back/Chest

Teas/Tincture. You can place these herbs into a tea or get them in tincture form. I like to add these herbs to another tea I enjoy.

Here are some other Herbal recommendations + Supplements to keep on hand. Use these three times a day if you are sick.

Nin Jiom Pei Pa Ka Chinese Cough Syrup

Fermented Raw Honey Garlic. Eat a clove!

Elderberry Syrup. 1 Tablespoon.


Celery juice. Once in the morning.

Wassail. Make a batch at home.

Soup + broth.



Vit c

Vit b

Vit d


Get lots of rest and water. Ask your spirit team to surround you in healing energy so you may get well quickly. Take a hot bath with epsom salt, lavender essential oil, + a HeadPlant CBD Bath Bomb.

Much Love + Positive Vibes.

xx, Jessica


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